Monday, September 28, 2015

Reaching The Ideal

Reaching The Ideal

     Reaching The Ideal should be your focus in life. However, there are many shiny things on the sidelines that can distract you from those goals. Here are a few tools to help you focus on your quest through Progression and make The Ideal your Reality.

     Make a list of statements of who you want to be and what you'd like to have. Repeat this out loud once per day, preferably in the morning. Make sure to write the statements in future tense with a definite deadline, such as, "I will have an awesome relationship with my child" or, "I will read the Harry Potter series through by January 2016."

     It may seem silly to read aloud but what you're trying to do is sneak past the alarm systems in your brain. Your brain likes to be comfortable and it usually doesn't like new things. Whenever you approach a new idea you may think, "This is going to kill/hurt/change me." Or you might think, "That's impossible because...!" How often do you think along those lines when a new idea is presented to you? By repeating your declarations each morning, you slowly tell your subconscious survival mode that it's okay, that things will be alright.

     Just like a Personal Declarations, a Vision Board helps guide you and keep you on the path of Progression to The Ideal. You start with a rectangle on your wall. The rectangle can be anything from painter's tape to an empty picture frame to a small magnet board. Then once that is hung up, add a mix of six to nine pictures and written statements into the frame. The pictures and statements should be goals for The Ideal, and they should range from short term through long term. They can include goals for physical, spiritual, mental, financial, and socials aspects of your life. On the back of each of these goals write the date you posted them, respectively. Write the start date on the back because the focus is not rushing to reach these goals, rather they are a marker to see when they are completed. Each morning and right before you sleep you should look the goals over intently and think deeply about each one. Then once the idea sinks into your head your subconscious will start working to get those goals.


     There are lots of deterrents that will come your way - the starfish don't want you to reach your goals. When you reach something that wants to DETER you just add "-MINATION" onto the end. Try to avoid taking a break if possible because deterrents are meant to slow down your momentum. If you lose momentum you'll need to apply more energy to catch up again, so keep pressing on!

In conclusion to get to what you want you just need to focus! Don't give up and don't let down!

Best wishes and mahalo,
Jason K Rivera

#pearlsofmankind, #mentoringpearls, #mentoringmonday, #infiniteintelligence